iCloud.com Goes Live for Devs, Pricing Revealed

Posted by at 10:25 am on August 2, 2011

Apple held a surprise for the later part of the day on Monday by launching iCloud.com for developers as a beta. Apple has closed off access beyond the home screen to only those with Apple Developer accounts now but people who are not devs claimed that they could see more in the early hours of Tuesday morning.

The pages take on many of the non-media tasks of MobileMe but use a visually much richer interface made to look both like iOS as well as the skeuomorphic (real-world analogy) calendar and contact interfaces of Lion. Most of these, such as Find My iPhone or iWork, usually need settings switched on in MobileMe.

The Mail web app is clearly running on the assumption that users either already have MobileMe or are using yet to be released versions of iOS or Lion. “To use iCloud Mail, create an @me.com email address by turning on Mail in your iCloud settings using iOS or OS X,” it says.

Only those registered as developers have access, since they should have pre-release access to test builds of Lion and iOS 5 that can talk directly to iCloud.

Apple has also slipped out pricing for iCloud beyond the free 5GB for the first time. While basic services are free, members who need an extra 10GB can pay $20 per year. Doubling capacity again with an extra 20GB (25GB total) costs $40 per year, and 50GB of added space (55GB total) will cost $100 per year.

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