Yahoo! to Support Safer Internet Day on February 8, 2011

Posted by at 2:50 pm on February 7, 2011

Yahoo! today announced that it is launching Yahoo! Safely worldwide, in hope to foster an safer online experience. Through Yahoo! Safely, users across 26 countries and 14 languages can now access information and advice on making smart choices online. This global resource aims to inform parents, educators, and young people in their own languages about important topics, such as managing digital reputations, avoiding cyber-bullying, and learning how to minimize risks on mobile devices.

“Online safety has long been a priority for Yahoo!, and we are proud to celebrate Safer Internet Day with the launch of Yahoo! Safely in 26 countries,” said Catherine Teitelbaum, Yahoo!’s director of child safety and product policy. “With Yahoo! Safely, we are giving kids, teens, and parents around the world the tools they need to make smart digital decisions and to deal with the important online issues they face every day. It’s important that we take a proactive approach and work together as a global community to help foster a safer online experience for all our children.”

Yahoo! Safely now provides locally relevant information to customers in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada (English and French), Chile, Colombia, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, United States, United Kingdom, Venezuela, and Vietnam.

In addition, Yahoo! Maktoob recently launched Yahoo! Safety Oasis, which educates Arabic-speaking children about how to properly surf the Net and protect their personal privacy through a series of fun, interactive edutainment courses.

Safer Internet Day

In support of Safer Internet Day on February 8, Yahoo! is joining forces with Insafe, the network co-funded by the European Commission, and offering these five tips for online gaming and social networking:

  • Think before you post. How you represent yourself online — the way you play games, the photos and texts you share, the design of your avatar, and what you have on your profile — all add up to who you are. Invest in your online image.
  • Be a good sport. Virtual games can be fun, but remember to treat other players with respect. If you wouldn’t do it on the field, don’t do it online either.
  • Take action and report bullying. If you stand by and watch, laugh, or do nothing when you see bullying happen, you become part of the problem. Take the opportunity to create positive change.
  • Spread smiles with your phone. Texting is core to staying connected with your friends, and half of you send more than 1,500 texts a month1. What you text is a reflection of you, so be thoughtful about what you say so you can be confident that your texts portray you the right way.
  • Unplug and connect with your world. We live in a 24/7 digital world, but don’t forget to unplug sometimes. Get out and connect with your friends in the real world.

Yahoo! works collaboratively with its industry peers, child safety groups, and law enforcement to find new ways to protect children online. Yahoo! supports the work of several nonprofit Internet safety organizations including Common Sense Media, ConnectSafely, Family Online Safety Institute, Internet Keep Safe Coalition, National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, and WiredSafety, as well as the efforts of other groups such as the Ad Council, Children’s Advertising Review Unit/Better Business Bureau, and the National Cyber Security Alliance.

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