A series of six Talking Phrase Books for Windows Mobile devices developed for travel and leisure company lastminute.com, have been released and are available to download completely free of charge from Coolgorilla.com
Available in French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Greek, the phrasebooks translate hundreds of basic travel related phrases into both text and audio using the voices of professional native translators.
The Phrasebooks provide a menu system with categories such as Accommodation and Travel. A user finds their required phrase, and their Windows Mobile device then “speaks” the phrase via the phone’s speaker.
The software has been previously released across other platforms, including the iPhone where the phrasebooks have already achieved over one million downloads since their release in June.
“By sponsoring the applications and making them free to download, lastminute.com has already helped consumers save over $10 Million and we are hoping that the release of Windows Mobile versions will have some equally impressive results.” Said Roy Forsdick, Managing Director of Coolgorilla.