“The Gable 5,” the new short film from “Mortal Kombat Legacy” helmer Kevin Tancharoen, has debuted at Machinima and you can check it out in its entirety in the player below! Eliza Dushku stars in what Tancharoen refers to as a “sci-fi, futuristic version of ‘The Truman Show,’” written by himself and Scott Martin and produced by Hayden Roush and Marina Stabile.
In a remote location, a secret facility exists unlike anything the world has ever seen. Run by Dr. Conrad Gable, a renowned neurologist, the facility is years ahead of it’s time when it comes to the technology it’s using to research the human body. With an unlimited budget backed by a classified department of the government, Dr. Gable’s motives appear to be for the greater good of humanity – the chance to create a drug so powerful it could be used to win every battle, every war, with no casualties.
Now all he needs are 5 test subjects…