THQ Releases Red Faction Demo

Posted by at 11:20 am on April 24, 2009

THQ and Volition today announced the single-player demo for Red Faction: Guerrilla is now available for free download on XBOX Live Marketplace for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation Network for the Playstation 3. Developed by THQ internal studio Volition, Red Faction: Guerrilla is a 3rd person, open-world shooter featuring real physics-based destruction, a story-driven single-player campaign and robust multiplayer options. The demo features an action-packed single-player mission introducing the groundbreaking GeoMod 2.0 Destruction Engine, and comes just weeks before the June 2nd launch of Red Faction: Guerrilla.

“The press and consumer buzz for Red Faction: Guerrilla continues to build, as gamers prepare for a new standard in open-world, destruction-based game-play,” said Kevin Kraff, vice president of worldwide marketing, THQ. “The single-player demo will give consumers an exciting taste of what the full game will offer on June 2nd.”

Red Faction: Guerrilla is a 3rd person, open-world shooter set on Mars, 50 years after the events of the original Red Faction. Players will take on the role of freedom fighter Alec Mason with the newly re-established Red Faction movement as they battle for liberation from the oppressive Earth Defense Force. Throughout their fight for freedom, players will carve their own path, wreaking havoc across the vast, open-world environment of Mars, from the desolate mining outpost of Parker to the gleaming EDF capital city of Eos.

The Red Faction: Guerrilla single-player demo puts players in the role of freedom fighter Alec Mason as he battles the oppressive Earth Defense Force for control of Mars. Offering an intense single-player mission, the demo utilizes the GeoMod 2.0 Destruction Engine which uses real-world physics to simulate building formation and destruction in the game. The demo is now available for free download on Xbox LIVE Marketplace and PlayStation Network.

Utilizing improvised weapons, explosives and re-purposed mining equipment and vehicles, Red Faction: Guerrilla allows players to tear through fully destructible environments in an unforgiving Martian landscape swarming with EDF forces, Red Faction resistance fighters, and the downtrodden settlers caught in the cross-fire. Red Faction: Guerrillawill also feature a robust multiplayer component, including several modes focused on destruction-based gameplay. Currently in development for Microsoft XBOX 360, Sony Playstation 3, and Windows PC, Red Faction: Guerrilla is scheduled to ship to retailers worldwide on the 2nd of June 2009.

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