PUBG Adds New Dynamic Weather System And Bullet Physics

Posted by at 3:11 pm on August 1, 2018

Both come with PUBG‘s PC 1.0 Update #19 allows bullets to penetrate targets’ bodies along with dynamic weather coming to Erangel and Miramar.  (Some of us would say returning.. read on to learn why)


Per Steam Community post:

“The result will be different depending on whether the forearm is blocking more vulnerable body parts. When a bullet penetrates a forearm and strikes a more vulnerable body part behind it, the greater damage will be applied. “

“In other words, if a player’s forearm takes a bullet while blocking their head, the full headshot damage will be applied. This penetration system works for the head, torso, and waist only. If a bullet penetrates the forearm, but no vulnerable body part is behind it, only the forearm damage will be applied.”

Developer PUBG Corp adds that bullet penetration is not applied to legs, forearm penetration is disabled for shotguns, and, as we’ve already determined, hands do not block bullets.


Rain and fog weather conditions were removed from PUBG’s Erangel and Miramar maps when it left Early Access last year. Now, both return and are considered “random in-game events” that can create “opportunities for strategic decision making”.  take a look at the video below for more info.


PUBG’s PC 1.0 Update #19 also introduces a number of UI tweaks, performance adjustments and bug fixes which can learn more about here.

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