PlayStation Now Coming to PC – Wireless Adapter for DualShock 4 Arrives In September

Posted by at 6:02 am on August 24, 2016


In April, Sony announced that its Remote Play feature for the PlayStation 4 was coming to PC (and Mac). Now, the company announced the next step of its push to bring more PlayStation features to the PC: an app for PlayStation Now and a wireless adapter for the DualShock 4 controller.

Sony didn’t provide a release date for the program’s PC debut, but it seems that fans in Europe will get to try it before it arrives in North America. However, the company did put out the app’s system requirements.

PlayStation Now System Requirements
CPU Intel Core i3 (3.5 GHz or higher) or AMD A10 (3.8 GHz or higher)
Storage 300 MB
OS Windows 7 (SP1), 8.1 or 10
Miscellaneous Sound card, USB port

PlayStation Now allows you to stream games from a large library of PlayStation 3 titles. Just like the PlayStation Plus online service, PlayStation Now requires a subscription. You can try out it for free for a week, but after that, it requires a monthly fee of $19.99 or a three-month subscription of $44.99. Sony recommended a minimum connection speed of 5 Mbps for PlayStation Now.

The addition of PlayStation Now to the PC also gave Sony the perfect opportunity to release a wireless adapter for its Dualshock 4 controller. Currently, you can use the controller on a PC only if you connect it with a USB cable. With the adapter, you’ll be able to use the peripheral without a wired connection. In addition, the adapter ensures that the controller-specific features, such as the light bar, touchpad, Sixaxis motion controls and vibration, will work on a PC so long as the game you’re playing supports it.

You can pick up the adapter sometime in September for $24.99. That just isthe same price as Microsoft’s Xbox Wireless Adapter for Windows.

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