Nippon Ichi Has Announced World’s Longest 5 Minutes for PlayStation Vita

Posted by at 11:33 am on March 29, 2016

Nippon Ichi Software announced a new PlayStation Vita game called World’s Longest 5 minutes with a teaser website showing a bit of some Dragon Quest-like nostalgia that used to bring players nightmares.

Those of you who played the Super Famicom era Dragon Quest games might still have nightmares upon seeing the pictures Longest 5 Minutesscreen, which is basically a message indicating that your save data has been corrupted. This was quite a common occurrence back in the day, as a simple nudge to the console could cause such happenings.

The Nippon Ichi teaser site for World’s Longest 5 Minutes features the above character sprite of what looks like a traditional Dragon Quest hero, and it also has a countdown. Once the 5 minutes are up, it shows us the dreaded save data corruption message shown above. It also shows us the message that more information will be revealed in the March 31 issue of Famitsu magazine. Do you suppose that it will be a game that involves clearing tasks within 5 minutes or you have to start over with a new data? We’ll all find out when World’s Longest 5 Minutes releases in Japan on July 28, 2016 for PlayStation Vita.

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