Lead character Chris Redfield will travel to the fictional coastal town of Lanshiang, China, in 2013 to investigate a massive bioterrorist attack, according to new details released by Capcom on the horror title Resident Evil 6.
The action title also features regular series character Leon S. Kennedy, who works as a U.S. government agent for the president.
Along with the standard zombies that fans of Resident Evil have come to expect, the next game will introduce the J’avo, a creature that “takes damage (and) has the ability to regenerate itself,” reads a statement from Capcom. “However, if it receives major damage, then it will mutate that affected body part into a number of varied forms.”
Perhaps the most important change coming to Resident Evil 6 is an updated control scheme, allowing players to roll, slide, take cover and shoot while on the move. It includes an enhanced mêlée attack, as well.
The game, announced last month, will be available Nov. 20 for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. A PC version will launch at a later date.