New Cable TV Service Seeks Testers

Posted by at 10:18 am on August 11, 2010

Today, GenosTV announces that it is seeking beta testers to ensure its service exceeds consumers’ expectations for the next generation cable television service. Interested parties are encouraged to email all of their contact information, prior relevant experience and why they should be chosen to be part of the Genos Team, to

The company revealed that there will be no GenosTV Cable Box needed for its service. The Cable Television service is VIRTUAL and will merely be a “Button” on the user interfaces of IP Connected Televisions Sets, Blue Ray Players, Cell Phones, and other IPTV services. Pandora, internet radio, is a great example of this distribution strategy. Television manufacturers can finally realize revenue beyond the markup they receive on their hardware sales and turn their TV into a recurring revenue stream by partnering with GenosTV. The same is true for other internet enabled consumer electronic devices.

The Company is forming relationships and is seeking agreements with distribution partners worldwide. This new strategy allows consumers to switch to Genos Cable TV without any upfront fees or new equipment and it gives Genos the distribution necessary to offer cable networks millions of new customers as they can reach “Off Net’ consumers in rural areas and offer limited television services for under $10.00.

“GenosTV is the most disruptive business model in history,” said Rob Shambro, the company’s Chairman and CEO. “When researchers and analysts fully evaluate the impact of GenosTV on the consumers, how TVME gives everyone a stage, how the existing networks who have never had to market themselves have to change to survive, how the cable companies are going to have to change because consumers finally have a television provider alternative, cross pollination of international cable networks, new jobs and industries created and the effect on global advertising, they will see the massive impact that Genos has on media worldwide. No one will ever admit it but Genos has already effected every corner of the cable television industry and has saved consumers millions of dollars. Our business model and January launch date has caused many companies to go back to the drawing board. Customers have been unhappy for so long and the first chance they get to switch to a solid alternative, they will,” said Shambro. “Remember when Orbitz and Travelocity eliminated the travel agent? That was nothing compared to the effect of GenosTV on the media sector.”

Marc Diego, VP Corporate Development, a former graduate of UCLA is spear heading a prelaunch of the service at the UCLA campus along with managing the collegiate marketing teams nationwide. GenosTV is accepting applications for campus representatives across the country. Interested parties can submit their resume to GenosTV will launch its service at the Consumer Electronics Show, Jan. 6-9, 2011 in Las Vegas.

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