Fantasy Life Link! Is In the Cards for Japan

Posted by at 3:16 pm on May 22, 2013

Fantasy Life

Level-5’s Fantasy Life has doen so well in Japan,  publisher has announced a new upgraded version of the title, called Fantasy Life Link!.

As an RPG that allows you to choose a career, set off on a quest and also mess around a lot, the goal with the expansion is clearly to tap into social aspects of the experience. The expansion will allow four players — who are on each other’s friend lists — to play together in the main game, while a Link mode will mean friends can also exchange messages and track each other’s progress. The Link idea will also be followed up with a related website, while extra content will arrive in the form of a new island, with additional items and monsters included.

The new content will be available in two ways. A newly branded version of the game, with the full title and additional content, will arrive for 4,980 Yen, while those that have already taken the plunge can download the updated features onto their copy for 2,000 Yen; both arrive on 25th July in Japan.

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