Donate Your Old Cell Phone at PostalAnnex+

Posted by at 2:45 pm on March 9, 2009

Each year, approximately 130 million wireless cell phones are retired in the U.S. Other studies have estimated there are more than 500 million cell phones lying idle in drawers, closets and toy boxes throughout America. While most of us consider our cell phones to be items we cannot live without, they are easily replaceable, and what do we do with the older, used models?

PostalAnnex+, Handle With Care-Packaging Store, and Sunshine Pack & Ship stores are helping gather them for a worthy cause. Phones accumulated at these stores will be turned over to the 911 Cell Phone Bank. This organization collects, recycles and distributes over 2,000 phones per month to law enforcement and victim services agencies.

“Seniors and victims of abuse really need a phone for emergency use,” said Steve Goble, vice president of marketing communications for Annex Brands. “We’d not only like to help get them a phone, but help communities as well by promoting recycling, which will keep these phones out of landfills.” Goble said 911 Cell Phone Bank has been operating since May of 2004, and is a worthy organization. In the past five years, the organization has provided tens of thousands of cell phones nationwide.

To donate a phone, take it into a PostalAnnex+, Handle With Care-Packaging Store, or Sunshine Pack & Ship store. “We’ll make sure donations get to the 911 Cell Phone Bank and begin the process of recycling them for use to people in need,” said Goble.

As a thank-you, Goble said donors will receive a flyer good for free copies, discounts on shipping and more. “We hope communities will go through their closets, drawers and boxes and pull out all those unused cell phones,” commented Goble. “Our goal is to send 911 Cell Phone Bank over 100 phones in March. And this event should be a win-win for everyone. The donor is involved in recycling a needed item to a person in need, while getting a thank-you gift in return.”

For more information, log on to for the nearest location.

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