Detroit Showing Its Girl Power – Mary Barra Is the Next CEO of GM

Posted by at 2:34 pm on December 10, 2013

Mary Barra

Mary Barra is going from a 33-year General Motors employee to the first woman CEO in the history of major auto.  She began her GM career a co-op student in the Pontiac Motor Division in 1980

Barra inherits a company fresh from its bailout by the U.S. government, while removing past shackles, it is still facing a difficult future in the world auto markets.

She will take over for current CEO Dan Akerson on January 15, 2014.

Akerson, who has been chairman and chief executive since September 2010,  decided to advance his succession plan because his wife was recently diagnosed with a late stage of cancer.

Following news of the management changes, shares of GM opened at $40.55 per share, just below Monday’s closing price of $40.90.

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