Battlefield 3 Beta Played by Over Eight Million

Posted by at 10:58 am on October 18, 2011

DICE has revealed plenty of stats about the recent Battlefield 3 beta – including the total amount of players – Over 8 million!

While DICE did not to mention how the figure was divided between the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC versions of the game, the overall tally of players came in at 8,125,310.

47 billion shots were fired, which DICE mentions is enough to travel to the end of the known universe if each one of those bullets represented a light year.

1.5 billion virtual soldiers were killed during the 10-day beta, which DICE points out is about half the litres of beer consumed by the world in 2011.

19 million people also lost their dog tags at the end of a knife. DICE says that’s more than the population of Shanghai, the world’s most populated city.

If DICE had an empty 9mm casing for every shot fired in the Open Beta, we would have enough brass to melt and build almost 3,900 SU-27 Flanker jets

Here are some more stats: the longest recorded headshot was 635.6 metres, Assault players racked up 2.2 billion points of regenerated health between them, and 21 million M-COM stations were also destroyed.

Battlefield 3 will be released for Xbox 360, PS3, and PC on October 28.

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