According to Vodafone Australia, Android 7.1.1’s consumer release to Nexus devices will coincide with next month’s security patch on December 5th. The OTA comes less than two weeks after the second Android 7.1 Developer Preview and brings Nexus phones and tablets to software parity with the Pixel and Pixel XL.
First launched on the Pixel, Android 7.1 qucikly came to the Nexus 5X, 6P, and Pixel C via the Developer Preview. DP2 was expected to add support for the remaining crop of current devices and Android One, but the Nexus 9 was the only addition this week.
7.1.1 allows developer to add app shortcuts, while image keyboard support introduces some Gboard functionality to Android with GIF entry and rich content. However, unlike the iOS app, it requires that third-party developers add support to their apps. Android 7.1 also introduces new emoji that features a wider range of professions for women and men.
According to Vodafone’s release notes, Google will begin pushing the update at 5:00 PM AEST on 6 December 2016. However, the security patch level is dated December 5 and matches Google’s usual pattern of Monday releases.
With 7.1.1 being more than just a security patch, the OTA is a bit larger at approximately 650MB for the Nexus 6P. Vodafone provides the exact details of the rollout:
- Day 1-3: 10,000 phones are selected at random to be eligible for the update, users are either alerted via FOTA Push Message or must check manually for the update
- Day 4-13: an additional 10% of the remaining pool are selected per day and users must check manually for the update
- Day 14: All devices are eligible for the update
The Pixel and Pixel XL are also slated to receive Android 7.1.1 along with other Nexus devices. Besides bug fixes for several small issues, the Pixel update is going to add ‘Double-tap to check phone’ and ‘Lift to check phone.’