Posts tagged as: Ron Wyden

Senators Weigh In On FCC’s Net Neutrality Plan

Ten U.S. Senators have requested that Tom Wheeler, Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, strike from his proposed net neutrality rules those that would allow for the creation of a fast lane. The FCC is prepared to vote on the proposal on May 15, despite the outcry from the public, from more than 100 businesses, […]

Aaron’s Law Introduced to Reform the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act

Representative Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) and Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) have introduced “Aaron’s Law,” legislation to reform the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) and hopefully prevent incidents such as that suffered by computer programmer and political activist Aaron Swartz, who faced up to 35 years in prison for allegedly violating the CFAA. “Aaron’s Law” is […]

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