Posts tagged as: NSA

Republicans to Let NSA Keep Spying On Your Calls

Republicans recently introduced a bill in the Senate that will extend the NSA’s ability to collect and store phone call data through December 2020. As it stands today, the law (part of the Patriot Act) is slated to expire June 1. The Obama administration has asked for changes to the program, such as having telephone […]

Gemalto’s Initial Investigation Says SIM Cards Are Secure

Gemalto today said a preliminary assessment of its SIM cards suggests they are secure against the spying efforts of the U.S. NSA and U.K. GCHQ. “Initial conclusions already indicate that Gemalto SIM products (as well as banking cards, passports and other products and platforms) are secure and the company doesn’t expect to endure a significant […]

Gemalto to Investigate SIM Card Hacking Claims

Gemalto found itself at the center of a new hacking scandal this week after The Intercept reported the SIM card maker was compromised by the NSA and the UK’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ). The Intercept claims the U.S. and British spy agencies stole the encryption keys for SIM cards so they would be able to […]

Kaspersky finds Hacker Team that Infects Hard Drive Firmware

A secretive hacking collective that has been active for almost two decades has allegedly been uncovered by Kaspersky Lab. Dubbed the “Equation Group,” because of their use of encryption algorithms and obfuscation methods, the hackers are apparently unique in that they created highly-professional tools and used “classic spying techniques” to retrieve data and affect systems […]

Freedom House Says Global Internet Freedom on The Decline

A recent Freedom House report stated that Internet freedom dropped in 2014 because of new laws in many countries that criminalize certain Internet content and dissent. Freedom House is worried that this will create a snowball effect, with more and more countries wanting to pass similar laws. Eventually, a restrictive Internet could be the new […]

Apple, Google, CEA, MS, Others Lobby Congress to Stop NSA Spying

A new bill in the US Senate is being rushed through in an attempt to curtail NSA spying on Americans, and make federal agency requests for data more transparent ahead of the January takeover of the body by Republicans. The bill, known as the USA Freedom Act (S. 2685), has won the backing of the […]

Yahoo Fought NSA Surveillance in 2008 – Faced $250,000 per Day Fine

Reports have surfaced that search engine Yahoo (and possibly others) were threatened by the US government to comply with PRISM surveillance requirements, or face a $250,000 per day fine in 2008. While Yahoo fought the demand through the US Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review, it ultimately lost and complied with the order, which paved […]

Snowden Reveals More of NSA’s Activities

The National Security Agency (NSA) was behind the two-day Internet blackout of Syria in 2012, claims whistleblower Edward Snowden. The accusation, alongside claims that the NSA is working on an automated malware killer, from Snowden comes at the same time as a separate report appearing to show the NSA collected far more information than was […]

Russia wants Apple, SAP to Give Access to Their Source Code to Fight Spying

The Russian government has proposed that two Western companies, Apple and SAP, grant access to their source code so it can determine whether or not products are tools for spying on state organizations and/or the public, Reuters reports. Russia’s communications minister, Nikolai Nikiforov, is said to have made the request when he met last week […]

NSA Denies Using Heartbleed Security Flaw for Intelligence Work

As reports of the severity of the Heartbleed OpenSSL bug has spread, so have the rumors. A report from Bloomberg has claimed that the US National Security Agency exploited the flaw for years. In its own defense, the NSA issued an unusually specific statement saying that not only did it not use the exploit, but […]

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