Posts tagged as: CW Seed

CW Seed Chief Dishes More Details on Constantine and The Ray

Appearing at the panel for Blue Ribbon Content during the ongoing Television Critics Association press tour, CW Seed executive VP Peter Girardi spoke about the digital series production arm of Warner Bros. Television Group and its three animated digital series Vixen, Freedom Fighters: The Ray and Constantine. The latter two follow on from the live-action incarnations of […]

New Poster and Trailer for CW Seed’s Animated Constantine Series

The Constantine animated series that was announced for CW Seed back in January at the Television Critics Association winter press tour has gotten a brand new poster and NYYC Teaser trailer. The series will feature the voice of Matt Ryan, who starred as the title character in the live-action NBC series, which aired for one season. The Constantine animated series will consist of […]

Freedom Fighters: The Ray to Have TV’s First Gay Superhero Lead

CW Seed has announced today that it will debut a new animated series with Freedom Fighters: The Ray, based on the DC Comics character. Inspired by the Grant Morrison version found in the pages of The Multiversity, The Ray will be the first gay superhero to lead a show when he debuts in 2017. Based […]

Veronica Mars to Go Digital on CW Seed

As a follow-up to the success of the crowd funded movie here’s a Veronica Mars “digital series spinoff” to go with it. The CW announced the series, as well as VM creator Rob Thomas’s involvement, both of which sound pretty promising. While there are no other details currently available, we’re hoping the spinoff will feature […]

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