Posts tagged as: ACLU

ACLU Hold Press Conference And Release White Papers Over COVID-19 Contact-Tracing Apps

The American Civil Liberties Union today had a press briefing  and released a set of technology principles which developers, policymakers, and the public can judge any technology-assisted contact-tracing apps and proposals for COVID-19. Together with the ACLU of Massachusetts, the ACLU is also today demanding the Department of Health and Human Services and Centers for Disease Control […]

Judge Rules US Border Agents Need ‘Reasonable Suspicion, To Search A Phone

A federal judge today ruled that US border agents can’t search travelers devices without “reasonable suspicion”, Reuters reported . While they can still search devices without a warrant, they now need a specific reason to do so. Previous searches by CPB and ICE without reason violated the US Constitution’s Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable searches […]

ACLU Files Suit On The TSA Over Domestic Electronics Searches

The American Civil Liberties Union wants to know more about the Transportation Security Administration’s policies concerning searches of electronic devices on domestic flights. As such, the ACLU has file a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the TSA seeking the agency’s records. “The federal government’s policies on searching the phones, laptops, and tablets of domestic air passengers […]

ACLU, EFF File Lawsuit Over Warrantless Phone Searches

The American Civil Liberties Union and the Electronic Frontier Foundation have sued the Department of Homeland Security for searching American citizens’ smartphones at the border without a warrant. Specifically, the groups say the Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement agencies have delayed citizens’ entry into the country lest they give up smartphone […]

Apple, Facebook, Google, Snap, Twitter & Other Tech Firms File an Amicus Brief on Warrantless Location Tracking

Several high-profile technology companies, including Apple, Airbnb, Cisco, Dropbox, Evernote, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Mozilla, Snap, Twitter, and Verizon have submitted a amicus brief in a key case at the U.S. Supreme Court, expressing concerns about warrantless police access to cellphone location data. The tech firms argue that the court should “refine the applic Timothy Carpenter […]

Senate Uses the Congressional Review Act Gut FCC Broadband Privacy Rules

Today, the U.S. Senate voted to use the Congressional Review Act to gut the FCC’s broadband privacy rules that prevent Internet Service Providers like Comcast and Verizon from selling their customer’s personal information to advertisers without permission. ACLU Legislative Counsel Neema Singh Guliani issued the following statement: “It is extremely disappointing that the Senate voted […]

Fourth Circuit Court Rules No Warrant Needed to Pull Carrier-Based Location Data

A U.S. appeals court said law enforcement does not need to obtain a warrant before obtaining location data from wireless network operators. The decision stems from an appeal based on a Baltimore case involving armed robberies from 2011. Citing a decades-old idea suggesting consumers routinely allow their phone service provider to know their location, the […]

ACLU Calls an Congress to Use End-To-End Encryption to Fight Spying

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) called on Congress to enable end-to-end encryption for its communications, by moving to apps such as Open Whisper Systems’ Signal, Whatsapp or iMessage. This year was a rather bad one for the U.S. government in terms of cybersecurity, considering it experienced the biggest hack in its history, when the […]

Second Circuit Court Rules NSA Metadata Collection Exceeds Scope of Patriot Act

The US National Security Agency (NSA) has been handed a defeat in appeals court. A three-judge panel in the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit has ruled that the NSA phone records collection “exceeds the scope of what Congress has authorized” in Section 215 of the Patriot Act. However, the denial of a motion […]

FBI Wants Congress to Force Phone Makers to Add Back Door

FBI Director James Comey has again voiced his displeasure with the new encryption tools added to Android 5.0 Lollipop and iOS 8. Both Google and Apple added the default encryption to their mobile operating systems in order to protect user data. Comey says this is an impediment to law enforcement, making it more difficult — […]

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