Comedy series The Great Indoors has been canceled after one season at CBS. The series starred Joel McHale as a renowned adventure reporter for an outdoor magazine who must adapt to the times when he becomes the desk-bound boss to a group of millennials in the digital department of the publication. The series also starred […]
CBS has given full season orders to Matt LeBlanc’s “Man With A Plan” and Joel McHale’s “The Great Indoors,” picking up an additional six episodes of each of the freshman comedies, Variety has learned. With the additional episode orders, now all five of CBS’s new fall series have landed full-season orders, joining “Kevin Can Wait,” […]
Hot off of “The Soup,” which Joel McHale recently wrapped after 12 years of hosting, “The Community” alum has closed a deal to star in CBS’s comedy pilot “The Great Indoors.” “The Great Indoors,” written by “Tosh.0” creator Mike Gibbons, centers around an adventure reporter named Joel (played by McHale) who must adapt to the […]