Following in the wake of the first season finale, SyFy has released the first teaser for the recently renewed Superman prequel series Krypton which returns in 2019. Set two generations before the destruction of the legendary Man of Steel’s home planet, Krypton follows Superman’s grandfather (Cameron Cuffe) – whose House of El was ostracized and shamed […]
Syfy has released a new video offering a behind-the-scenes look at how the Krypton cast and crew charted their own journey in the making of this epic series, including sneak peeks at the world of Krypton and how this story impacts the DC Universe. Set two generations before the destruction of Superman’s home planet, Krypton follows Seg-El (Cameron Cuffe), the legendary Man […]
Syfy has released four new character posters showing off the four noble Houses of Krypton, which you can check out below! Set two generations before the destruction of Superman’s home planet, Krypton follows Seg-El (Cameron Cuffe), the legendary Man of Steel’s grandfather, who is faced with a life and death conflict – save his home planet or let it […]
Syfy has released a new poster for their upcoming series Krypton, telling the story of the grandfather of the Man of Steel. Check it out below! What if Superman never existed? Set two generations before the destruction of Superman’s home planet, Krypton follows Seg-El (Cameron Cuffe), the legendary Man of Steel’s grandfather, who is faced […]
Syfy has now released the full trailer for its series Krypton offering a proper look at the series focusing on Superman’s home world decades before his birth. Speaking at the Television Critics Association, the producers say they’ve ditched calling this a “Superman prequel” series and that they already have a 7-8 year plan in place. The […]
Not content to simply tell a Superman origin story, Syfy’s Krypton will take things back two whole generations into Superman’s lineage. The new series focuses on past events set on the Man of Steel’s doomed planet and follows Superman’s grandfather Seg-El. A new promo video reveals the Krypton premiere date for 2018, and a new […]
The first teaser trailer (via DC WORLD on Vimeo) for Syfy‘s upcoming DC Comics series Krypton, a prequel show set two generations before the planet’s destruction, has arrived online and can be viewed in the player below! The Krypton series will follow Superman’s grandfather — whose House of El was ostracized and shamed — as […]
Syfy has set the lead for their upcoming Krypton series, the Superman prequel show set two generations before the destruction of the legendary Man of Steel’s home planet. Newcomer Cameron Cuffe, who was recently seen on the big screen in Florence Foster Jenkins, will play Seg-El, Superman’s grandfather. The Krypton series will follow Superman’s grandfather — whose House […]
Syfy today announced it has greenlit a pilot for Krypton, the Superman prequel series set two generations before the destruction of the legendary Man of Steel’s home planet. Krypton will follow Superman’s grandfather — whose House of El was ostracized and shamed — as he fights to redeem his family’s honor and save his beloved […]
Across the multiverse of DC Comics TV adaptations, perhaps none covers newer ground than David Goyer and company’s in development Krypton – although it is set hundreds of years before the Man of Steel makes his debut. The Hollywood Reporter today has news that the pilot that’s been moving alone at SyFy since December of 2014 […]