SpinVox Voxgeist Tracks Twitterverse Language

Posted by at 10:53 pm on June 1, 2009

SpinVox, a global leader in voice to text messaging has conducted a survey among Americans, Brits and Canadians that use Ping through SpinVox to post Twitter updates to reveal the places from where people now tweet and the resulting new slang that is emerging in the Twittersphere.

The Ping through SpinVox voice-powered social network service has been taken up by thousands of Twitter users who want to break free of the need to have access to a keyboard or broadband connection. By speaking Twitter updates users experience a more natural form of communication-“ revealing their thoughts in the moment, as they happen.

Many users report that the freedom to speak their Twitter updates enables them to tweet from some unusual places. The survey found that while most SpinVox speak-a-tweet users (84%) admitted to tweeting in public while travelling, some preferred more privacy with 23% who reported tweeting from the privacy of the bathroom.

Speaking a tweet during fitness was noted as a regular part of the routine of those using a treadmill (13%) or jogging in the park (25%). Some of the more common places reported for tweeting through SpinVox included shopping (37%), while cooking (17%) or when enjoying outdoor events such as music festivals (8%) and waiting in line to get into events such as football games (5%).

Hashtag, #Follow Friday and Tweetups

Not only has voice-powered tweeting seen SpinVox users communicating from unusual places but the phenomenon has created many more new words which are being picked up and learned by VMCS -“ SpinVox automated speech to text conversion system – as people start to use them in their everyday conversations, as such they represent the `Voxgeist` of the way people actually speak today.

The top 10 Twitterverse-related slang words and phrases found in the SpinVox Voxgeist are currently:

1. Hashtag (noun): a way of marking an event or common theme e.g. “I’m off to Mobile Geeks of New York #MGoNY”

2. #Follow Friday (term -“ pron. Hash Follow Friday): a weekly event, where you recommend your favorite Twitterers to your followers.

3. Dabr (noun): a mobile web interface for Twitter.

4. Twetiquette (term): appropriate behavior when using Twitter.

5. Twitpoll (noun): a survey/question posed on Twitter, often for research. Sometimes just for fun: e.g.: “Which shoes should I buy?”

6. Tweetdeck (noun): one of the most popular desktop interfaces for Twitter.

7. Twhirl (noun): a smaller, less intrusive desktop interface for Twitter

8. Mashable Effect (term): the result of @mashable, aka Pete Cashmore, founder of Mashable.com, re-tweeting your site/blog address and causing it to overload with web traffic.

9. Tweetup (noun): a meeting organized on Twitter.

10. Twestival (noun): a charity event organized using Twitter

Christina Domecq, SpinVox co-founder and CEO says: “Twitter is a huge phenomenon that is changing the way that millions of people interact with each other and in doing so is spawning a new and dynamic dictionary. Ping through SpinVox means using Twitter no longer has to be manual and static and this is creating a particular language and messaging behavior. People are sharing information from places they wouldn’t normally be able to or from where they’d feel comfortable doing so and this is clearly affecting the choice of words and phrases they use and indicates about what they want to have conversations.”

For more information on how you can update Twitter or multiple social network sites simultaneously using Ping through SpinVox visit https://ping.fm/signup/spinvox/.

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