Republic Wireless to Sell Moto X for $299

Posted by at 10:27 am on September 19, 2013

Republic Wireless today announced that it will soon offer the Motorola Moto X for $299 without a contract.

Republic is an MVNO that uses Sprint’s network and offers unlimited everything for $19 per month. Republic Wireless uses a combination of cellular data and Wi-Fi to pass VoIP-based calls through the internet rather than through traditional voice networks.

The Moto X includes improved voice call quality over Wi-Fi, and makes significant improvements to call hand-offs between Wi-Fi and cellular networks. Republic did not say exactly when the Moto X will go on sale.

Republic Wireless also announced that it will be overhauiling its service plans in November. The first plan includes unlimited talk, text, and data on Wi-Fi only for $5 per month. The second includes unlimited talk and text on Wi-Fi and cellular, and unlimited data on Wi-Fi for $10 per month. The third includes unlimited talk, text and data on Wi-Fi, plus 3G cellular for $25 per month. The fourth includes unlimited talk, text and data on Wi-Fi, plus 4G cellular for $40 per month.

Once the new plans launch, Republic will continue to offer its original $19 plan only to the Motorola Defy XT.

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