The fourth installment of the popular strategy title Pikmin is in the works and “close to completion” according to Nintendo head designer Shigeru Miyamoto in an interview that’s over a month old.
In a surprising move Eurogamer has suddenly announced what could be one of the biggest upcoming Nintendo games today, though they note the interview was conducted in July. The URL of announcement even has 7-20 tacked on at the end. When other outlets inquired as to the timing, Eurogamer replied that the interview had been embargoed.
But hey, new Pikmin! That’s exciting. Especially considering it took so long for Nintendo to produce a third title in the series. There is no announcement on whether Pikmin 4 will be coming to the Wii U or Nintendo’s NX system. If the title is in progress for 3DS by some chance, that would be Pikmin’s first appearance on the handheld platform.