Both French Stewart and Mike Lane have joined the NBC single-cam comedy pilot Like Magic in series regular roles. The project is a workplace comedy that follows an optimistic young woman (Jee Young Han) pursuing her dream to be a headlining magician in the eccentric and ego-driven world of the Magic Palace.
Stewart will play Val Evans, a mentalist/illusionist who’s been the biggest act at the Magic Palace the last few years. Lane will play Anthony, Holly’s best friend from middle school who’s also a magician.
In addition to Jee, Stewart, and Lane, the pilot will also star Rory O’Malley, Freddie Stroma, and Hayley Magnus.
Stewart previously starred in the NBC sitcom “3rd Rock From the Sun,” which ran for six seasons between 1996 and 2001. He is also known for recently appearing as Rudy in the CBS sitcom “Mom.” His other recent credits include “Deadly Class,” “The Middle,” and “Secrets and Lies.”