Two of RIM’s more important smartphones may be close to getting an unveiling at Sprint. A sighting in Sprint’s CelleBrite point-of-sale system shows both the already unveiled BlackBerry Bold 9930 as well as the still unofficial Torch 9850. Neither of the devices seen in the CrackBerry tip were given prices or release dates.
The 9930 should be the first Bold on Sprint and is a big step forward for the Bold as a whole, with a doubled-resolution 640×480 display that adds touch even as it expands to 2.8 inches. It leaps ahead in speed with a 1.2GHz processor, 768MB of RAM, and far faster graphics that can now handle modern 3D games and 720p movie making. It ought to be one of the first BlackBerrys with NFC short-range wireless.
In turn, the Torch 9850 is a more direct upgrade to the original Torch, although it too will have a 640×480 resolution on its same-size 3.25-inch display, the faster processor and graphics, and NFC. Much of the QWERTY slider shape is intact other than a possible silver trim instead of chrome.
Only the 9930 has had a tentative release leaked out, which if on time would put it in stores on August 21