AT&T Adjusts Throttling Policy for Unlimited Customers

Posted by at 1:53 am on May 7, 2015

AT&T has altered the wording of its network management policies such that customers with grandfathered-in “unlimited” plans won’t be throttled as aggressively.

Under the old policy, AT&T throttled the speeds of unlimited LTE 4G customers once they exceeded 5 GB of data in a single month. Those users’ speeds were ramped down to 2.5G speeds for the rest of the billing period.

Now, unlimited customers who exceed 5 GB of data in a single month will see their data speeds slowed down only at times and locations where AT&T needs to manage network congestion.

“All such customers can still use unlimited data without incurring overage charges, and their speeds will be restored with the start of the next billing cycle,” explained AT&T.

The company is facing a federal lawsuit over these same throttling practices.

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