Fortune magazine has released a new book
profiling Apple’s co-founder, former CEO and current chairman, Steve Jobs​, exclusively for the Kindle and Kindle apps as an e-book, reports AppleInsider. The book, which can be read on Macs, PCs, Android or iOS devices using Amazon’s Kindle applications as well as on a Kindle itself, is compiled from 30 years of reporting and interviews with friends, colleagues and Jobs himself across 17 stories.
The e-book — titled “All About Steve: The Story of Steve Jobs and Apple from the Pages of Fortune” naturally includes the history of Apple during Jobs’ two tenures there, from its rise in the dawn of the PC era to Jobs’ return to the company in 1996 and the remarkable run of success Apple has enjoyed since then. A fairly recent interview with Jobs from 2008, as well as a conversation with then-Microsoft CEO Bill Gates and Jobs from 1991 on the future of computing are among the highlights of the book.
Fortune Managing Editor Andy Serwer acknowledges Jobs’ enormous impact on the entire industry in the book’s forward, writing that “in the end, he was proved right a billion times over, and his company Apple became one of the most successful enterprises on the planet.” He adds that the stories, covering Jobs’ career from 1983 to his resignation as Apple CEO, is a “singular journalistic collection” that features deep reporting and hours of interviews with Jobs as well as Oracle boss Larry Ellison, former Intel CEO Andy Grove and others giving perspective on Jobs’ influence on the tech landscape and industry as a whole.
The e-book is available for download immediately on the Kindle Store at Amazon, and costs $11. The title is already listed at number 15 in Kindle’s e-book rankings despite only having been released earlier today. Simon & Schuster, who are publishing an authorized biography of Jobs from author Walter Isaacson entitled simply “Steve Jobs,” are expected to release the book in late November, and have said it will incorporate recent events including Jobs’ resignation and recent interviews
Whatever his flaws, Jobs was an exceptional man. May he rest in peace