Toronto-based photo-showcase site 500px, aimed at professional and serious photographers, has launched an iPad app version of the site, showcasing the feeds for the Editor’s Choice, Popular and Upcoming choices of other community members’ images, along with access to a member’s own pictures and those belonging to community friends. The app also allows users to “like” and comment on photos. The company plans iPhone and Android versions of the app as well.
Although membership is open to any sort of photographer, the site’s emphasis on features and tools that pros and semi-pro amateurs would appreciate (such as the ability to add a blog and portfolio, or sell photos online) and front-page featuring of professional-level work keeps the site mainly popular with those who make a living from images rather than just enthusiasts. The iPad app allows users to share photos to Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and e-mail but not Flickr, its main competitor.
The site is built almost entirely in HTML5 and JavaScript, making it instantly accessible on mobile devices already. Basic membership is free, and includes the ability to create a photo blog. Premium membership is $50 per year and includes unlimited uploading, pro portfolios that can be custom-branded (with or without any 500px branding), Google analytics and other benefits.
The company says it will add account creation, EXIF data support (notably including locations, something Flickr features prominently) and uploading from iPad among other features in future releases. The app currently offers zoom but not the ability to move around in photos while zoomed in. It also offers a “safe browsing” mode that filters out nude content.
The app itself is free and requires iOS 4.3 or higher.